Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Episode 87 - The Buddy Holly Story/Maneater/Kill Bill Vol. 2

Episode 87 - The Buddy Holly Story/Maneater/Kill Bill Vol. 2

Jeff and Tucker give Gary Busey the Raging Bullwinkle treatment with a look at one of his best (The Buddy Holly Story) and one of his worst (Maneater). Then the guys continue to look at the work of Quentin Tarantino with the second half of the Kill Bill saga. And Mom reviews Psycho.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Episode 86 - Beyond the Valley of the Dolls/Eden Lake/
Kill Bill Vol. 1

Jeff and Tucker pay their respects to the late, great Roger Ebert with a discussion of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, which he scripted. Then the guys discuss 2008's Michael Fassbender starring thriller Eden Lake. Finally, our Tarantino retrospective enters the new millennium with Kill Bill Vol. 1. Plus mom reviews Griffin & Phoenix.

Download Episode 86!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Episode 85 - I Love You To Death/Wild Wild West/Jackie Brown

Episode 85
I Love You To Death
Wild Wild West
Jackie Brown
Spring Breakers

Jeff and Tucker take on their first "Raging Bullwinkle" episode with a look at one of Kevin Kline's best films (I Love You To Death) and one of his worst (Wild Wild West). Then the Tarantino keeps on truckin' when the guys revisit 1997's Jackie Brown. And you're not going to believe this, but move over Ewan, Mom's got a thing for...Gary Busey? Mom watched The Buddy Holly Story.
