Monday, December 12, 2011

Episode 24 - 10 to Midnight

Episode 24 - 10 to Midnight

Jeff and Tucker drool all over Bronson, countdown their top five films with numbers in the title, and present the return of Mom's movie review. Mom plays catch-up with her review of Black Dog.

Watch the entire film here:


  1. Aarrggh!!

    I need to revise my top five list. House of 1,000 Corpses needs to be added to the also-rans in favor of a new #1 that I forgot about because I don't yet own a copy. Of course it's too late now that you've recorded the podcast, but just to set the record straight...

    #1 - Session 9 (2001 - dir. Brad Anderson)
    This is one of those rare horror movies that makes my skin crawl no matter how many times I watch it. I can't decide what's scarier, the audio recording or the setting (an actual abondoned mental hospital).

  2. We'll note the change on the next cast.
